I am a Born Inventor…..

There were times when there were no defined Academic Degrees or Research Institutes. Any specific idea or technology fascinating to common people used to become their Aura and expertise. As more and more inventions converted into products, formal Educational Institutions started and divided learning into specific domains originated. Slowly, slowly people started becoming experts and developing a feeling that they would develop something out of the research only when they would go to a level of Research Scholar or only scientist can invent.

However, we have forgotten that we are born with a mind of Inventor/Scientist. The scientific mind is always full of curiosity, imaginations, prediction, experimentation, and developing. By making our young minds’ inclined towards developed technologies such as Television cartoon animated characters, playing on developed apps on mobile phones, aren’t we letting the young minds to forget about their being scientific/ inventor?

We have forgotten we are BORN Inventors/Scientists and we can innovate and brainstorm at any age or stage. Let the young minds imagine, try, predict, experiment, and develop. Do not cut their flying wings of Innovation by putting conditions or interrupting or that (excluding safety concerns). These minds really have 100 % of concentration, willingness, observation at their nascent stage such that they would copy us exactly without even a minute mismatch.

Hence, it is very important to align young and old minds’ towards inventing solutions for existing problems. In one day, our mind generates 60,000-80,000 thoughts. It’s important to filter out the positive and innovative thoughts, converting such thoughts into finding solutions, brainstorming the solutions to convert them into novel ideas. Further, it is important to protect the novel ideas by registering them to have exclusive rights thereon to avoid infringement/ copying.


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